Peak-oil, also known as energy descent, is the theory that fossil fuels are about to get increasingly hard to access and this will send up the price petrol and electricity (therefore virtually everything we know). It was confirmed last year by the International Energy Agency that the world will never reach the level of 2006 oil production worldwide. As our socitey is entirely based on the cheap access of fossil fuels, this will force a restructure of our cities.
As a starting point. I'm interested in the way that we view the city and the narratives we spin around it. There are a large population of highly mobile, creative people living between the city and it's far fringe (which I take as about 150k's maximum or 1.5 hours travel) that are customising their lifestyle through movement. The journey becomes a big part of that lifestyle; the way they move, the routes they choose, the stops on the way.
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