My research question was reviewed at camp and ended up like this;
Question: What are the learning/teaching potentials of liminal space with a focus on peak-oil?
Title: Liminal Spaces
Subtitle: Designing space through investigating types of transition
I had to answer the question What am I interested in and how am I using that to adress a problem?
My answer: Investigating the liminal qualities of transport infrastructure in order to redesign transport patterns/modes in response to a condition of peak oil.
This was not really honest as I was struggling to communicate what it was that I was hoping to achieve through a study of liminality. I don't want to design another reconfiguration of the city and it's transport systems. What I want to explore is the experience of travelling through the city, it's disused or vague spaces and the potential they have as a narrative and pedagogical device. Story telling through the landscape essentially.
This doesn't really change the title, subtitle or question. It just helps to focus the intention.
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