
How - Highway collages

A few ideas that I've been throwing around in relation to the highway as a canvas for artists and using the liminal qualities to contrast place and non-place.

Malevich's Black Square across the highway

In a similar way to Christo and Jean-Claude use fabric to conceal and emphasise landscape elements this collage is about rendering the highway void, removing context in order to reveal the way we currently look at the highway.

White Highway
Another way to create a  highway tabula rasa by building sections in reversed colouring with a white surface and black markings. We would quickly see the tracings of our travels left on the highway surface. Hoons would love it.

Cow barriers
Commuters are often related to herding animals. There are multiple connections between cars and cows. They are a large part of the view from a car when travelling and this is as close as many people get to a real cow. Car are derided as being incredibly polluting but cows are a major source of greenhouse gases;
A gallon of gasoline turns into 20 pounds of CO2 (source)Average car drives 15,000 miles a year and gets 30 mpg (my estimates, might be a little high on the mpg estimate)15,000 miles /30mpg = 500 gallons of gasoline a year * 20 pounds = 10,000 lbs of CO2 a year
A cow produces up to 90kg of methane a year (source .pdf)Methane is over 20 times more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (source)90 kg * 2.2 lb/kg = 200 lbs of methane * 20 = 4,000 lbs of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases  
from http://fatknowledge.blogspot.com/2005/04/cows-vs-cars-greenhouse-gases.html 
The cows could also serve as a sculptural barrier, an accident prevention barrier with the liquid filled cows slowing down runaway vehicles before they cross into oncoming traffic.

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