
Camp models revisited

I've uploaded a bunch of animations to Vimeo. Still not sure about the settings so titles didn't come up for some reason and I ran out of 'daily' upload cred although I still can't upload today. And I just realised that Blogger only does youtube so maybe I ditch Vimeo anyway.

I went back over camp models to see how I was looking at liminal space and how that may have changed. I mapped out the area that I was working in;

The field

While the animations explored the movement through a threshold space these stills looked at the focal point of a fixed point perspective. The target became the undeniable centre of the photo and everything else the periphery. Did this make that area liminal space? Not really.

I tended to put the target points at 'places' or points of interest anyway. When the target was placed in a transitional space it made it a fixed point. The last image is interesting. When there is repetition, the absence of something can become the focal point.

With my current understanding of liminal space I would have taken the central area as the liminal. It is unprogrammed, indeterminate, allows for multiple connections and congregation: "promiscuous intermingling".

Central congregation space

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